Buckle up and prepare to be entertained

Dive deep with us

Basso Profundo dives DEEP into the discography of all things musical and melodious. From the deepest reaches of your grandparent’s vinyl cabinet to the newest hit singles, nothing escapes the reaches of your hosts— Jonathan Felix and Sam Dupuis— as they surf the scales and ride the vibes of music of all sorts. Arpeggi-oh my goodness you gotta tune in.

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Ha Ha


Meet your Hosts

  • Breakfast Enthusiast

    A scientist by trade, a musician with passion, and lover of all things music. Sam loves camping, warm sunny days, her cats, and (of course) recording Basso Profundo with Jonathan

  • Professional Silly Goose

    Purveyor of fine sodas and an approximate knower of most things. Jonathan loves to make Sam and the audience laugh with his unbridled enthusiasm and keen curiosity for new experiences